
Dedication Opportunities

We invite you to invest in our future, ensuring a vibrant, flourishing Jewish presence in Los Feliz. Become a partner with us, and together let’s make a difference today for a brighter and better tomorrow.

Your donation will bring the construction of Chabad’s new home one step closer to completion. In the merit of your generosity, may you be blessed with good health, prosperity, and success in abundant measure.

Synagogue Dedications
JEMS Preschool Dedications
Mikvah Dedications
Hospitality Center Dedications
Donors Tablet

In addition to the dedications outlined above, we will display a Donors' Tablet displayed in tribute to our supporters.

First Name Last Name
Address City, State & Zip
Phone Email
In Honor / memory of
Installments I want to gift my pledge in installments over:
Payment method Card Number


We are a 501c3 tax deductible organization. For our mailing address and contact information please click here.